Monday, November 2, 2015

Mass vs. Weight

We started our measurement/conversions unit today. We began with THIS presentation regarding mass vs. weight.  Blocks C & D has the following two pages for homework. PAGE 1   PAGE 2


1.      Mars is smaller than the Earth. Earth is smaller than Saturn. Saturn is smaller than Jupiter. After hanging from a spring scale, Hank measures 100N on earth. He then travels to the other three planets, and gets measured on each with a spring scale. On one planet he measures 150N. He then measures 170N on another planet, and on another planet he measures 80N. On which planet was each measurement taken? Write the correct planet on the line.

170N___________________  150N__________________ 80N___________________

2. In which of the following pictures would there be the strongest amount of gravity?

3. Tom measures 200 grams. Is this describing mass or weight?
4. Tom measures 100 newtons. Is this describing mass or weight?
5. No matter where you are standing in the universe, your ______________________ will never
     change, because you will always be made out of the same amount of ______________________.
6. What do a stapler, a dog, the American flag, and air all have in common?
7.  List the following items in order from least mass to greatest mass: The moon, A paperclip, a car, a bottle of water, a skyscraper. 

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