Monday, November 23, 2015

Mystery Cubes Day 2

Today we will continue with our mystery cubes lab. If you have not completed day 1, please do so before continuing. First today, I would like you to go check out the website below about ways to identify metals. You will find some of these tactics useful when developing you plan of action.

Metal Identification Website

Next, copy and paste the text from the document below into your document that you started yesterday. You will develop a plan as to how you are going to find the identity of the metal in each block. A list of possible substances is provided for you below. You will need to clear your plan with Mrs. Kohls before you begin testing.

Metal Blocks Day 2

Rubber               Gold                       Copper
Aluminum          Nickel                      Brass
Cobalt                Polyurethane          Bronze
Carbon               Lead                       Cherry
Nylon                 Silver                       Acrylic
Iron                    Plastic                     PVC
Zinc                   Oak                         Tin

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