Thursday, May 29, 2014

WOW, it's been a long time!

Time does truly fly by! The last time I posted we were finishing up the chicken mummies.  Since then, we started a catastrophic events unit. For this unit, we discuss difference severe weather events as well as earthquake devastation. We recently finished the weather portion of the unit.  Below you can watch an example of the severe weather broadcast all of my students created using a green screen.  This project took about two weeks to complete and all of the students worked really hard on it.

Currently, students are working on the earthquake proof building project. For this project, students picked teams and are competing against other teams for an open position at Earthquake Proof Enterprises...the leader in earthquake proof construction. Each team needs to research the best ways to construct a building so that it withstands an earthquake.  Each team also needs to write a resume, create a blueprint, construct a model, and create a presentation explaining why they should be hired for that open position.  This project truly gives my students a "real life" experience.

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