Friday, September 4, 2015

What is a Scientist? What do they do?

    What is a scientist? Complete THIS worksheet as research for your upcoming project. Each group member needs to watch 5 DIFFERENT scientist videos so make sure you discuss who is watching what. Once you are all finished watching, get together and answer the bottom questions as a group.

    After you finish with this task, create a presentation that shows/tell Mrs. Kohls and your classmates what you believe a scientist is/does. You can create whatever presentation you would like...poster, google, imovie, etc. This project should be completed with your cup stacking & Save Fred groups. Make sure you read and print the following instructions and rubrics.
- group work rubric & checklist
- presentation rubric

    You will have today, Tuesday and Wednesday to work on this assignment. Presentations will start on Thursday, September 10. 

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